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5 Muscle and Strength Maintenance Tips for Beginner Bodybuilders

The principles of bodybuilding are almost timeless. Although technology has advanced, the devices have been modernized, and the foundation of strength training is still the same. Weights, bars, and dumbbells are the basis of everything that no technology can replace. And with these things, so much is achievable.

If you have just started doing bodybuilding, here are some tips you can utilize to maintain muscles and strength.

1. First, Understand That It Takes Time for a Muscle to Grow


Before we touch on “meat” or “iron” problems, we assure you that there is no quick way to gain muscle mass. It is a lie, a myth, a marketing ploy, a cruel promise, and a sick joke. Muscles do grow but at a snail’s pace. They are in no hurry; speed is not their “thing”.

So, lift weights, relax, think positively and have fun. You get stronger, maybe slowly, but you get stronger. Everyday exercise is, of course, important, but it does not have to be a scientifically planned, methodologically complete, and carefully calculated system of repetitions and exercises in relation to possibilities, as defined by precisely detailed and measured training.

2. Have Regular Training Sessions

If you are serious in your intentions, train no less than 4 times a week and no more than 5 times. If you only practice as an amateur, 3 times a week is enough.

3. Every Muscle Is Important

Strive to exercise each muscle group twice a week – directly or indirectly. Work out with 80% effort, saving those 90% or 100% effort for the exercises you will complete your workout with. Concentration must be at 100%, rhythm steady and unhurried. Rely on multiple reps.

4. Maintain Order in Your Workout Schedule


Although some exercises can be replaced in a series of workouts – exercises with dumbbells, with a bench, and similar things. However, such a breadth of training is better for those exercisers who know their training system well and know how to connect the need to replace the exercise, due to overload, discomfort, or dissatisfaction.

5. Don’t Be Afraid to Perform Super Series (One Exercise After Another Without a Break)

Super series are tough but effective. Although very demanding and difficult, they work for all levels of exercisers. They are not just for weight loss and definition. Remember, eat and build. Quality meals and protein formulas can be found on this website. The basics include various push-ups and pull-ups – bench press (flat bench press), deadlift, two-handed push-ups, barbell bends, and various dumbbell exercises.

You see, the body is smart, very smart. It will do whatever it takes to adapt to the environment, and of course, above all, it will make sure that you function properly in that environment. Your only goal, as a person who wants to emphasize muscles, is to show your body that it will not survive without extra muscle mass. Basically, you have to prove to your body that you MUST build muscle, and your body won’t do that if you don’t give it a damn good reason and make sure it needs to keep existing muscles and build new ones. If this reason does not exist or disappears, your body will accept it without any problems and will not do anything.

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